Explained here are the benefits for fleet owners seeking to reduce the operating costs of their fleet. The HEMS System can improve your company’s green footprint by reducing diesel usage.

Why should you consider it?
Transport & haulage fleets, earthmoving and power generators are significant consumers of diesel. Freight transport activity is generally expected to increase in-line with population growth and economic activity. To meet demand, most of diesel in Australia is imported and subject to regional based pricing. Diesel cost is a significant input expense for fleet operators. The rising and volatile diesel prices can significantly affect the profitability of a business.
According to the Tracking 2020 Report (published Dec 2015 by Dept of Environment, Australian Government), the transport and haulage sector which includes articulate trucks, rigid vehicles and light commercial vehicles is expected to increase to ~ 38 Million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCOe) annually – (approximately 40% of total transport emissions). Diesel is projected to remain as a primary fuel for the industry being the least cost fuel in the foreseeable future.
Operating Cost Savings
HEMS System utilised on diesel vehicles will experience attractive cost savings from lower diesel consumption. The system reduces the amount of diesel required to operate an engine. The system is expected to save fleet owners 15% reduction in costs of fuel consumption (including the cost of hydrogen). Through the R&D stages, the system has been continuously trialled on different vehicles and engines under different operating conditions with the HEMS System both ON and OFF. Analysis of the data logs from recent trials of buses show average diesel consumption reduction for older model engines of 28% and for newer vehicles of 21%.
Fuel Calculator
Vehicles with higher fuel burn rates and distances travelled will achieve higher $ cost savings from the system. As a guide, the tables here provide working examples of trucks and construction equipment and the $ cost savings. Our team can help you calculate the expected savings from the system. Some equipment is operated over a time period, rather than distances.
When determining how much diesel/fuel is being used, it is normally quoted as litres per hour of operation. Some of the large equipment can use over 150 litres in one hour. As most operations managers know, the equipment has an optimised utilisation rate for operational efficiency and economics. Since you know how much you are using, would you be interested in finding out how you can save 10% of your fuel bill?
Environmental Benefits
Find out more about Emissions here.
Trials were conducted on commercial buses in Austria and Germany. The results are part of an independent test in 2012 by Dr Walter Stolz (UWS Environmental Science), a well-qualified and regarded environmental scientist. Test was a measure of emission of a bus utilising hydrogen gas as a catalyst compared to diesel only. (See the Emissions Report)
The HEMS System design features include:
- Able to safely utilise the characteristics of hydrogen
- Delivers improved engine efficiency, fuel consumption and power output
- Reduction in emissions with a cleaner burn
- Will not interfere in the normal operation of the vehicle’s engine management system as it is not used as an alternate fuel
What clients say
I was approached by HEMS International to try out their Hydrogen Based Diesel Enhancement System. We were looking at a more efficient way of saving diesel usage and costs. After 2 months of trialling the product I found it to be extremely beneficial in reducing the cost of fuel, offering more power to the vehicle and being more environmentally friendly.Myself and my workshop staff wish to endorse this product and will definitely be using it in our entire fleet.